Communication Skills for IMGs course

This one-day professional communication skills course has been designed to address the specific learning needs of doctors of all grades that are new to the NHS. It is a deep dive into the structure and processes you require to enhance and maintain your professional communication skills.

5th of October 2023, 09:00 – 17:00 (Online)

Attendees will be given a Certificate of Participation at the end of the course, which is equivalent to 6 hours of CPD credit.


Good communication, partnership and teamwork is part of what is means to be a good doctor. Often when international medical graduates start working and training in the NHS, they may have limited experience of what effective communication skills looks like in real life NHS practice.

This one-day professional communication skills course has been designed to address the specific learning needs of doctors of all grades that are new to the NHS. It is a deep dive into the structure and processes you require to enhance and maintain your professional communication skills.

Who should attend?

  • Foundation Doctors
  • Specialty Trainees of all grades
  • Trust or Specialty Doctors
  • Consultants that are new to NHS practice
  • Locum Doctors


Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the impact of structure, process skills and content on the outcome of a patient-centred consultation

  • Understand how to adapt the consultation to meet the communication needs of both patient and doctor

  • Practice and demonstrate effective information gathering skills

  • Practice and demonstrate effective explanation & planning and shared decision-making skills 

  • Practice and demonstrate effective skills in specific communication challenges such as breaking bad news.


This is what our Director of Learning said:

“After passing the PLAB (or achieving GMC registration through alternative pathways), the next challenge I had was to be able to do the work well. The ability to communicate effectively within a new team and a new healthcare system felt daunting. How do I talk to patients? How do I communicate with my peers and seniors? I remember how helpful a course like this was in helping me develop a structure for communicating effectively, which is a crucial part of my clinical work. On this course, Mandy and Kim will support our doctors to develop this structure and rehearse some common scenarios. Even better, you will be able to watch back on your practice and reflect on what you might do better next time. When you look through the content of the programme and the learning outcomes, you will agree that the day will be an invaluable investment of your time!”



Mandy Williams
Kim Taylor
Not Enrolled
Course ended

Course Includes

  • 5 Lessons
  • Course Certificate