Moortooza Puttaroo

Senior Teaching Fellow and Programme Director

Moortooza Puttaroo a Senior Teaching Fellow and Programme Director for the Pharmacy Independent Prescribing Programme, Aston University, Birmingham. He has over 20 years’ experience at leading UK academic institutions, teaching and facilitating learning in a way that promotes a stimulating learning environment.

He completed the Independent and Supplementary Prescriber Programme, University of West London in 2018; Postgraduate Diploma in Learning and Teaching, University of West London, 2009; Certificate in Cardiothoracic Nursing, Buckinghamshire Chiltern University College UK, 2002; a Master of Science (MSc) in Nursing, Napier University, Edinburgh, 2001; a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Nursing from Gujarat University India, 1993; and a Certificate in General Nursing, Mauritius in 1982.

Moortooza was awarded the National Teaching Fellowship by the Higher Education Academy in 2005 in recognition of his contribution to excellence in teaching and learning. He is currently undertaking a Doctorate in Education at the Open University. He is researching the use of MOOC as an educational model in the recruitment of student nurses in the pre-registration nursing programme.