Oghenovo completed a basic medical degree at the University of Benin, Nigeria. He then went on to obtain the post graduate medical fellowship of the West African College of Surgeons in Anaesthesiology (FWACS).
He moved to the UK and initially worked in anaesthesia and intensive care prior to completing placements in acute medicine, elderly care, psychiatry, emergency medicine, paediatrics, and primary care towards the membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners (MRCGP).
Oghenovo is currently a GP Partner at Horncastle Medical Group in Lincolnshire, United Kingdom.
He is founder of the support group – Nigerian Doctors in the UK (NDUK), a platform that supports thousands of medical doctors and dentists of Nigerian origin who currently live and work or intend to live and work in the UK. This is through information sharing, career guidance, buddying and mentoring, and organisation of regional social events.
He is married with two beautiful daughters.
Oghenovo loves talking to people, watching movies in his spare time and believes that life is about people and living is about relationships.